R u n e s
The Runic Alphabet was used for writing, divination and Magic throughout Northern Europe. Each Rune had both phonetic and symbolic value, thus representing at the same time a letter, an idea and a character as well as a certain magical or esoteric quality.
Runes were in use roughly from the first centuries of Common Era to the late Middle Ages, when the growing influence of Christianity gradually replaced Runes with the Roman alphabet even in the remote Northern areas.
Runic Alphabet is also known a Futhark after the first six runes of the Alphabet:

h o w t o u s e R u n e s
Get to know your Runes before you start to use them. See what they look like. Touch them and study their unique properties and energies. It is wise to form a comfortable personal relationship with your Runes. When you have become familiar with them, you will begin to develop more personal meanings and nuances in addition to their traditional messages.
You can either shuffle the Runes in their bag and pick them one by one, or lay them all face down in front of you. Relax, take a deep breath or two and allow your mind to find the calm, quiet place behind the daily bustle of your thoughts. Dwell on your question. Focus on it and let your higher consciousness answer.
There are various methods of laying a Runic reading and as you get to know them, you may well develop your own ways. Easiest way is to pick one Rune for one question.

A Three Runes Spread
1. Rune represents the current situation
2. Rune represents the recommended action
3. Rune represents the final outcome of the situation
By adding two more Runes you can expand the spread to a Runic Cross:
4. Rune (below the three) states your weakness or an influence working against you
5. Rune (above the three) shows your strength or your greatest resource